Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Everlast and Title Speedbags and Platforms-Perfect for Home

Compact home gym equipment usually means foregoing things like an Olympic-sized bench press or power rack, and certainly most weight and cardio machines are OUT.

However, almost every home gym space has room for a speedbag, and this little leather bag offers a lot of value for the money.

3 reasons we like the speed bag workouts for the home gym: Great cardio and shoulder endurance workout, inexpensive, takes up little space.

There are other benefits to doing speedbag work as well; faster hands/reflexes, improved hand-eye coordination. Don't be intimidated by installing the platform either. All you need to do is find the wall studs and screw it in, the rest is hang and hook; you should be up in 10-20 minutes.

Note: There are cheaper kits out there, so you do not have to buy everything separately. But beware, most reviewers were quick to point out the poor quality speedbags and swivels in many of these kits. Here is what you need:

This is a necessary piece of equipment so the bag can move in all directions and be free to bounce off the platform; it is also one of the best speed bag swivels available in this price range.

The TITLE speedbag platform is one of the least expensive on the market. It has one great advantage, however. 1.) It comes with a 'pro-swivel' so you can eliminate the expense of the first piece above.
For an upgraded speedbag platform, Everlast makes a highly-rated one:

Now the speedbag and gloves. You could do without the gloves, but when you start getting faster and lasting longer, you will need them to avoid blistered and scraped knuckles
! OR:

Both pairs offer a light glove for the speed bag, making it easier to catch a rhythm with faster hand movements.  The Everlast leather speed bag is still one of the best in this price range. Perfect for the home gym space.

So there you have it! A great addition to the home gym for well under $200. A great way to come home after a hard day and release those built-up frustrations!

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